OpenBSD Journal

About the OpenBSD Journal


The OpenBSD Journal is a site dedicated to providing news and information of interest to members of the OpenBSD community.

The site is run by a small group of volunteers.

Although several OpenBSD developers are registered users of the site, and the site receives frequent contributions from OpenBSD developers, the OpenBSD Journal is not associated with the OpenBSD project. (Therefore, misc@ is not the appropriate place to discuss!)

Historical Context

Welcome to the new OpenBSD Journal
From to , this journal was well known as The administrators and editors James (Jim) Phillips and Jose Nazario did a great job, providing a valuable service for the OpenBSD community for years.

On , much to the surprise and confusion of most readers, they announced the retirement of the journal. Initially, people didn't realize they weren't just pulling an April's fool joke, but were dead serious.

When reality dawned upon the readers, there were two questions. What happens to the existing archive of articles and comments? And who is going to step in and fill the gap? Initially, I just wanted to copy the web pages in case the original server would suddenly disappear completely. Studying the PHP generated pages, relatively simple patterns emerged, and I started writing a CGI that would allow to browse the archive backup read-only, to preserve the over 1100 articles and 14000 comments, which might otherwise be lost.

Jim and Jose kindly gave permission to use the archive, those articles and comments are copyright of their respective authors. So the primary goal, preserving the vast pool of information and entertainment from the original OpenBSD Journal is achieved. I'd like to thank both Jim and Jose for their hard work during all those years, and for allowing their work to be preserved here. Thank you!

Well, it turned out that adding support for submitting new articles and comments wasn't much of a deal after that, so here's my proposal for a new OpenBSD Journal. There's much to be done, both in code features and, most importantly, in editing new articles. Volunteers are most welcome, drop us a mail.    -- Daniel Hartmeier,

[Additional historic information]


jjJanne Johansson[email protected]
phesslerphessler[email protected]
pitrhPeter N. M. Hansteen[email protected]
weerdPaul 'WEiRD' de Weerd[email protected]
greygrey[email protected]
naydenNayden Markatchev[email protected]
ruedaRoss Richardson[email protected]
pamelaPamela Mosiejczuk[email protected]


In , the software underlying Undeadly was modernised by Ross Richardson (rueda). As the software is no longer Undeadly-specific, it was renamed (to fwobac).