- s2k15: warming up
- s2k15: the stack overflow that wasn't
- s2k15: Authenticated TLS 'constraints' in ntpd(8)
- Jazz concert with OpenBSD synths
- OpenBSD Just Works
- OpenBSD booth at SCALE 13x
- BSDNow Episode 076: Time for a Change
- s2k15 Hackathon Report: mpi@ on network stack SMP
- s2k15 Hackathon Report: krw@ on improvements in dhclient(8), fdisk(8) and more
- OpenBSD Foundation 2014/2015 News & Fundraising
- Episode 078: From the Foundation (Part 2)
- Ted Unangst: Improving Browser Security
- Summer of Code 2015 Project Ideas Announced
- Errata for X Server Infoleak
- LibreSSL 2.1.4
- s2k15 Hackathon Report: Jonathan Gray on X Graphic Acceleration Improvements, afl fuzzer
- s2k15 Hackathon Report: tedu@ on UVM SMP
- LibSSL Patch Available
- FreeType Patches Available
- OpenBSD 5.7 Preorders Started
- OpenBSD @ AsiaBSDCon: httpd, PIE, and more
- LibreSSL 2.1.5 Released
- libXfont Errata
- OpenSSL 2015-03-19 Security Advisories - LibreSSL Largely Unaffected
- OpenSSH 6.8 Released
- Donation request for network SMP development
- EuroBSDCon 2015 Call for Papers Is Out
- SSH Protocol 1 Now Disabled at Compile Time
- OpenNTPD 5.7p4 released
- p2k15 Hackathon Report: landry@ on mozilla and more
- softraid(4) - RAID 5 Call for Testing
- p2k15 Hackathon Report: krw@ on GPT support
- p2k15 Hackathon Report: stsp@ on wifi and games
- Solaris Admins: For A Glimpse Of Your Networking Future, Install OpenBSD
- BSDNow Episode 085: PIE in the Sky
- p2k15 Hackathon Report: schwarze@ on USE_GROFF
- CfP extended for EuroBSDCon 2015
- EU study recommends OpenBSD
- OpenBSD has accepted projects from Google Summer of Code 2015
- OpenBSD 5.7 Released
- Out With the Old, in With the New
- OpenSSH to Replace SunSSH
- Microsoft Now OpenBSD Foundation Gold Contributor
- EuroBSDCon 2015 Preliminary Program Published
- Sudo Replacement Hits the Tree
- tame(2) WIP
- EuroBSDCon 2015 Registration Is Open
- c2k15: Internal jump targets to help navigating big manual pages
- c2k15: krw@ on softraid on 4k disks, cardbus on Dell vs Synaptics and Thinkpads
- c2k15: stsp@ on wifi and usb matters, and a peek to the UTF-8 future
- c2k15: ajacoutot@ on rc.d refinements, ports churn and sysmerge's future
- c2k15: jasper@ on puppet progress, sed(1) enhancements and more
- c2k15: mpi@ on trunk(4), pf(4), wifi, routing, bridge(4) and more
- c2k15: jeremy@ on ruby work, kernel and libc bugs, ports progress
- c2k15: rzalamena@ on mpw(4), network MP safety
- c2k15: jsg@ on graphics work: Mesa, xenocara, drm, libGL
- c2k15: sashan@ on SMP pf progress
- c2k15: afresh1@ on libtool(1), encouragement, locales, and Hipster coffee
- c2k15: pirofti@ on Octeon architecture progress
- The OpenBSD Foundation Announces First Platinum Donor: CII
- c2k15: florian@ on building the hackathon network, httpd and pflow
- c2k15: bluhm@ on regress tests, syslogd progresss, TLS work and more
- c2k15: guenther@ on C-states, kbind, misc improvements
- c2k15: renato@ on ldpd(8), eigrpd(8) progress
- The OpenBSD Foundation Announces New Silver Donor: Yandex
- c2k15: beck@ on LibreSSL security, midlayer work
- OpenBSD 5.8 Preorders Enabled, Release Song Published
- OpenBSD 5.8, Another Song
- Kernel W^X extended to i386
- Removal of SSLv3 from LibreSSL
- BSDNow Episode 104: Beverly Hills 25519
- Call for Testing: Using tame() in userland
- Coming Soon to OpenBSD/amd64: A Native Hypervisor
- OpenBSD 5.8's third song announced
- Native EFI Bootloader Support for OpenBSD
- GPT support enabled
- l2k15 Hackathon Report: krw@ on GPT
- l2k15: guenther@ on hacking libc symbols
- l2k15: (mpi@) The first rule of the Hackathon is...
- DRM updated, includes Broadwell support
- LibreSSL 2.3.0 Released
- OpenBSD 5.8 CD sets and swag shipping soon
- l2k15 Hackathon Report: Bernard Spil on portable LibreSSL
- l2k15 Hackathon Report: dlg@ on SMP networking
- l2k15 Hackathon Report: beck@ on libtls
- Call for Testing: tame userland diff
- Recent OpenSMTPD errata and you
- EuroBSDCon 2015 OpenBSD Presentations Online
- Preordered OpenBSD 5.8 CD Sets Arriving
- The OpenSMTPD audit, a debrief
- tame(2) is now pledge(2)
- Call for testing: pledge(2) in -current
- BSDNow Episode 111: Xenocratic Oath
- OpenBSD 5.8 released
- EuroBSDCon 2014 Videos Online
- W^X enabled in Firefox port
- Developer interview roundup
- u2k15: krw@ on msdosfs fixes, installer cleanup, GPT fdisk, softraid, dhclient
- vmm(4) update: it boots!
- less less and more less
- OpenBGPd and route filters
- u2k15: mpi@ on network SMPization cleanup
- u2k15: jung@ on asmc(4), ports work, EFI testing
- u2k15: sebastia@ on packages progress
- Initial 802.11n wireless support for iwm(4)
- u2k15: florian@ on IPv6 hackery
- u2k15: stsp@ on hackathon shirts, setup, UTF-8 and more
- Status of pledge(2)
- u2k15: mikeb@ on IPSEC progress (Chacha20-Poly1305)
- vmm(4) userland bits vmd(8), vmmctl(8) hit -current
- Interview: Renato Westphal (renato@)
- Hackfest OpenBSD presentations
- Preparing multitouch support - request for tests
- n2k15: sashan@ on PF mpsafe progess
- n2k15: tedu@ on rebound, malloc hardening, removing legacy code
- n2k15: bluhm@ on MP networking (out from under biglock)
- n2k15: vgross@ on deep surgery in TCP/IP stack code
- n2k15: krw@ on fdisk, installboot, dhclient, GPT fixes
- n2k15: reyk@ on hosting a hackathon, vmd, and the switch
- n2k15: mpi@ on MP networking progress
- n2k15: stsp@ on 11n mode wifi, testing
- OpenBSD's sndiod: now with privsep
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